
Devil’s River Coffee Bourbon


Classification: Bourbon Whiskey with Natural Flavors

Company: Devils River Distillery

Distillery: Undisclosed

Release Date: Ongoing

Proof: 80

Age: NAS

Mashbill: Undisclosed

Color: Mocha

MSRP: $25 (2020)

Official Website


Dark roasted coffee beans | Maple sugar


Sickly sweet coffee | Light alcohol | Dominating


Liquid sugar | roasted coffee | Sweetness lingers


I reviewed Oak & Eden’s Bourbon & Brew earlier in 2020, and was impressed by how integrated the coffee and bourbon flavors were making for a coffee infused bourbon that was enjoyable neat. However, while Bourbon & Brew maintained a place as a sipping whiskey, Devil’s River Coffee Bourbon does not. It is overly sweetened and tastes artificial as a result. Aside from this general sweetness, roasted coffee dominates leaving little room for anything else. At only $25 however, this does make a nice addition to support a coffee-themed cocktail, and with its dominating sweetness and coffee flavors that is where it is relegated to be. I’m sure pulling back the sweetness would help a bit to treat this as a sipping whiskey, however I don’t feel that’s what this really is. In short, this is coffee flavored whiskey the same way Fireball is cinnamon-flavored whiskey and Skrewball is peanut butter-flavored whiskey. If Devils River simply changed their positioning with the marketing of this brand they might just have a winner.

The sample used for this review was provided to us at no cost courtesy its respective company. We thank them for allowing us to review it with no strings attached.
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Written By: Nick Beiter

November 14, 2020
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Devil’s River Coffee Bourbon
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